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Top 6 Home Exercise Equipment Ideas

Updated: Mar 30

Purchasing fitness equipment for at-home workouts is exploding due to the pandemic. COVID-19 protocols for public safety included reducing public socializing as a strategy to combat the pandemic. The result was gyms, restaurants, and even your favorite shopping areas were closed to the public in order to prevent the COVID-19 virus from spreading. The pandemic changed our way of life causing most people to spend much of their time at home instead of in public.

The COVID-19 safety protocol created a significant transition from the traditional exercise gym to the safety of exercising at home to avoid potential exposure or spreading of the highly contagious COVID-19.

Did COVID-19 contribute to the Home Exercise Equipment Demand?

✅I remembered going to Modell's with my wife to find exercise equipment for at-home workouts because the governor closed down all business due to COVID-19 safety protocol. Once we arrived, we discovered their shelves of exercise equipment cleaned out.

Our store searches continued for fitness equipment to realize the home exercise equipment inventory had depleted in almost every store. At this point, it became surreal that pandemic was a reality.

Home exercise equipment is not new, but the Washington Post talked about how demand grew for home exercise equipment during the pandemic.

Exercising at home started to become a growing trend for safety against COVID and a way for you to continue exercise routines that keep you in shape in the safe environment of the home.

Later, through reading various news articles, we continued to learn exercise equipment was depleted in most sporting good stores because most people played it safe and began exercising at home. Purchasing home exercise equipment was in high demand and became a new norm that allowed you to continue your quest toward good health by maintaining your health maintenance schedule.

How can you benefit from home exercise equipment?

✅So, why is home exercise equipment beneficial to you? Fortunately, there are several reasons why home exercise equipment is valuable. You can enjoy privacy without the drips or spatters of sweat from others that can be contaminating everything you touch in the gym. You can maintain exercise momentum. For example, when you are at the gym, you have to wait on fitness equipment that you want to use, which can sometimes compromise your exercise momentum. Home exercise equipment allows comfort in your environment where you can control room temperature or music levels, watch your favorite movie on TV during your workout and access those post-workout snacks as soon as your activity ends.

Don’t you hate someone staring at you when you are working out, counting your reps, or seeing how much weight you’re lifting and at times laughing? Home exercise equipment eliminates your fear of judgment from others. You can also wear what you want at home while you tone up those abs. Saving money is big with home exercise equipment; there is no gym membership, no extra gas expense, and no pressure to get new stylish workout clothes, so you do not look silly while in the gym.

Another important consideration is that your excuses are limited because the equipment is right under your nose when your home.

Resistance training is an excellent way to start.


How can home resistance band training equipment work for you?

✅If you are not looking to build enormous muscles for your next bodybuilding contest, you will probably benefit from home resistance band training.

Home resistance bands are no free weight replacement, but you have an opportunity to build explosive power and strength through muscle contraction at the end of a movement. Some resistance band weight tension ranges from 110lbs-300lbs of resistance, so you take your pick.

The big question is, can exercise bands build muscle? You can review this issue by watching the video Building Muscle with Resistance Bands that provides an in-depth view of the effectiveness of using

exercise resistance bands to build muscle.

Exercise band equipment provides the ultimate home gym equipment. For example, it is portable, allowing you to take the equipment from room to room, giving you workout convenience whenever you go home or travel.

I like using resistance bands because of the mind-body connection I gain from the movements. My wife enjoys them also. I find the exercises tiring and realized that you could not underestimate how resistance bands can push you physically.

Home fitness equipment can help you sustain continuity with your daily exercise routine. Simple exercise equipment with routine exercise repetition can help you maintain your muscle gains and achieve new health status levels without the gym.

1. Fusion Motion Portable Gym

If you barely have time for yourself, let alone the gym and hate the thought of someone else watching you do squats or just want a better way to stay in shape without overpriced gym memberships, you’ll LOVE the Fusion Motion.

This incredible all-in-one gym has everything you need to build muscle and burn fat -- all from the comfort of your home.

Key Features

  • Strength training, important for balance, bone health, controlling blood sugar, and mobility.

  • Learn over 200 exercises

  • Tone, Shape, , and firm your whole body

  • Use steel reinforced bands for heavier workouts

  • Instead of a gym you can get the same results at home

  • Comes with fusion rate and squat bar


  1. Compact and Portable: It's designed to be space-saving and easy to transport, making it ideal for those with limited space or who want to maintain their fitness routine while traveling​​.

  2. Versatility: The included workout guide details over 200 possible exercises for the Fusion Motion Portable Gym, which supports full-body workouts. The gym also comes with numerous attachments, such as resistance bands, an ab roller wheel, and a squat rack, allowing for a wide range of exercises and accommodating users of various fitness levels​​.

  3. Durability and Support: The gym's steel-reinforced frame can support up to 290 pounds, ensuring it can withstand heavy workouts and cater to a wide range of users​​.


  1. Price: It is considered reasonably expensive, which might be a barrier for some potential users looking for budget-friendly home gym solutions​​.

  2. Max Weight Limitation: The maximum weight limit of 290 pounds could be restrictive for some users, particularly those seeking hefty lifting​​.

  3. Lack of Video Instructions: Unlike some competitors, the Fusion Motion Portable Gym does not have video instructions. Some users also find the instructions in the workout booklet unclear, which could impact the ease of use for beginners​​.

The Fusion Motion Portable Gym is an excellent investment for those seeking a portable, versatile home gym solution, especially if space is a concern. However, its price and the lack of video tutorials could be drawbacks for some users. It's most suitable for individuals who value flexibility in their workout routines and those looking for a compact and comprehensive home fitness solution.


2. OYO Personal Gym

When choosing home exercise equipment, you want to get the best equipment that will accommodate your full body workout. Purchasing price for a home gym may be a consideration, as well as the durability of the exercise equipment. Use this portable gym at the home, office, or while traveling.

Add the OYO Gym to your cardio, yoga, Pilates, or cycling routine, even use outdoors or in group fitness classes. The OYO Personal Gym is a portable fitness solution that combines strength and cardio without weight or momentum, making it easier to shape and transform your body anywhere, anytime!

Key Features:

  • Total Body Fitness

  • NASA proved Spiraflex resistance technology

  • Builds lean muscle

  • Up to 25lbs. of smooth resistance

  • Leg & Door anchors


  1. Portability and Versatility: The OYO Personal Gym is highly rated for its portability and ability to provide a full-body workout anywhere. This makes it particularly suitable for those who travel frequently or lack space for traditional gym equipment. OYO Personal Gym design allows for a wide range of exercises, catering to various fitness goals from muscle building to increasing flexibility​​​​.

  2. Innovative Resistance Technology: Utilizing NASA's SpiraFlex technology, the OYO Personal Gym replaces heavy weights with resistance discs, offering up to 25 lbs of resistance. This technology is celebrated for providing balanced resistance to both sides of muscle groups during each rep, facilitating practical strength training and muscle toning​​​​.

  3. Support and Additional Resources: The product comes with many support materials, including a nutritional guide, an exercise wall chart, and access to a wide range of video workouts. This is complemented by a 10-week challenge on OYO's website, aimed at helping users achieve significant fitness results​​.


  1. Learning Curve and Usage Difficulty: Some users need help with the OYO Personal Gym, particularly when trying to perform specific exercises. This learning curve might detract from the user experience until familiarity with the device is established​​​​.

  2. Limited Resistance: While the SpiraFlex technology offers a novel approach to resistance training, some users might find the maximum resistance of 25 lbs insufficient, especially those accustomed to heavy lifting or those with advanced strength training goals​​​​.

  3. Durability Concerns: There are mentions of parts of the product potentially slipping during use, which could pose a risk of injury or interrupt the workout experience. Additionally, the overall construction, which includes a significant amount of plastic, may not assure long-term durability under heavy or frequent use​​​​.

The OYO Personal Gym represents a significant innovation in home fitness, offering a convenient and versatile workout option. However, its unique approach may only be suitable for some, especially those looking for a heavy-lifting experience or those who may be frustrated by the initial awkwardness of its use. It shines for those seeking a lightweight, portable gym solution backed by cutting-edge technology.


3. Gorilla Bow Portable Gym

✅Using the fundamentals of the ancient bow, this modern, lightweight portable gym gives you one of the most versatile total body workouts. You can have the Gorilla Bow Portable Home Gym to build muscle, lose weight and tone up while reducing joint stress.

You can change resistance bands for more tension in seconds, to flow through shoulder, chest, leg and core workouts.

Key Features:

  • Workout from home

  • Tone & Build Muscle

  • Durable Aircraft Aluminum design

  • Lightweight and portable

  • Dozens of free workouts


  1. Quality and Durability: The Gorilla Bow is crafted from high-quality aircraft-grade aluminum, which can withstand significant resistance up to 300 lbs. This durability speaks to the bow's ability to handle various fitness levels and intensities​​.

  2. Versatile Workout Options: The Gorilla Bow, with four different resistance bands, offers a wide range of strengthening exercises targeting both the upper and lower body. This versatility allows for a comprehensive full-body workout, from squats and lunges to bicep curls and tricep extensions​​.

  3. Portability: Despite its long bar, the Gorilla Bow is designed for portability. It's not foldable, but its slim profile allows for easy storage at home or transport in a vehicle, making it a convenient option for those on the go​​.


  1. Set-up and Learning Curve: New users might find it challenging to set up and get used to the resistance levels, especially when performing exercises under heavy resistance. There's a learning curve to effectively using the bow for various exercises​​.

  2. Limited Resistance for Serious Muscle Building: While the Gorilla Bow offers up to 300 lbs of resistance, sufficient for staying fit and maintaining fitness levels, it might not meet the needs of those looking to achieve significant muscle mass gains compared to traditional weightlifting methods​​.

  3. Length of the Bow: While beneficial for a range of exercises, some users have noted the bow as cumbersome. It might be slightly challenging for those with limited space or who prefer compact fitness equipment​​.

In summary, the Gorilla Bow is a solid choice for individuals looking for a portable and versatile home gym solution that offers many exercise options without taking up much room. However, those seeking to build substantial muscle mass or prefer traditional gym equipment might have an excellent product.


4. Body Boss 2.0 Portable Gym

The BodyBoss Gym will be able to help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals. You can workout more consistently each week & perform any gym exercise outside, indoors, outdoors and when you travel.

Body Boss 2.0 allows you to workout anywhere you take the fold-up Vector-Fit Platform and cloth covered resistance bands.

Key Features:

  • Designed to simulate all the bulky gym equipment

  • Easy upper and lower body workout

  • Cardio resistance boxing workout

  • Lightweight and compact for mobility to your favorite room in the house

  • Fold up vector platform


  1. Versatility and Full-Body Workout: The BodyBoss Home Gym 2.0 offers over 300 exercises targeting various muscle groups, including shoulders, upper body, chest, lower back, quads, calves, abs, and arms, providing a comprehensive full-body workout​​.

  2. Portability and Convenience: Weighing only 15 lbs, the BodyBoss Home Gym 2.0 is highly portable and easily stored in a small bag or suitcase, making it ideal for workouts at home, in the office, or while traveling​​.

  3. Affordability and Value: Compared to traditional gym equipment, the BodyBoss Home Gym 2.0 is more affordable and offers excellent value, considering the wide range of exercises it supports. It has a starter manual, training videos, and workout programs to help users maximize its use​​.


  1. Resistance Band Limitations: The basic package includes only two resistance bands, offering up to 60 pounds of total resistance. This may be sufficient for general fitness but might not meet the needs of those seeking serious strength training or muscle building without purchasing additional bands​​.

  2. Setup and Stability Concerns: Some users may find setting up the base and getting under it with heavier resistance challenging. Additionally, the base may shift if not adequately secured, affecting the workout's stability​​.

  3. Limited Resistance for Advanced Users: While the BodyBoss Home Gym 2.0 can withstand up to 500 lbs of force, it does not include high-resistance bands, which means an additional expenditure for those seeking more challenging workouts​​.0

In summary, the BodyBoss Home Gym 2.0 is a cost-effective, portable, and versatile option for those looking to maintain their fitness routine without taking up too much space or investing heavily in traditional gym equipment. However, more advanced fitness enthusiasts may need additional accessories or bands to meet their resistance training needs​​​​​​.


5. Tension Toner

✅If you decide to use a resistance band system for your home workout you probably want to get a system that will be the best option for organizing your workouts from start to finish according to your own specific needs. Oh yeah when your done exercising, just simply fold and stow away. Tension Toner is a world class home gym in your hands that brings dozens of gym-quality exercises to you through a 70 + online exercise program that will help you reach your fitness goals.

Tension Toner exercise bar comes fully assembled and is ready to use right out of the box. Its easy-to-adjust built in resistance and will keep resistance on all the right muscles during the entire workout.

Key Features:

  • Instant Visual Feedback

  • Easy set-up

  • Plans for muscle sculpting

  • 10-minute intensive full-body workouts

  • It keeps tension on muscles throughout your entire range of motion


  1. Versatility: The Tension Toner supports a wide range of exercises, including over 70 full-body exercises, making it a comprehensive workout tool for fitness enthusiasts​​​​.

  2. Portability: It's TSA-friendly and requires little space, making it ideal for people who travel often or have limited workout space at home​​.

  3. Quality and Affordability: The Tension Toner is well-built and cost-friendly, offering a high-quality workout option without a significant financial investment​​​​.


  1. Learning Curve: New users might find it takes some time to get accustomed to the bar, and the resistance band at the center can feel too taut for some, requiring adjustment​​.

  2. Quality of Accessories: While the Tension Toner itself is of high quality, the accessories carry bag could see improvement in quality for a better user experience​​.

  3. Readability of Instructions: The quickstart guide is printed on a background that may affect its readability, potentially hindering new users' initial setup and learning process​​.

Ideal for those looking for a practical and space-saving workout solution, the Tension Toner seems especially suited for individuals aiming to maintain their fitness routine while on the move. However, it may not be the best fit for individuals seeking bodybuilding or training for strongman competitions, as its focus is on portability and versatility rather than maximum resistance training​.


6. REX Total Fitness Solution

✅REX is light & compact total fitness solution that can fit just about anywhere. Take it to your local park, beach, or gym & REX exercise with your friends.

REX total Fitness Solution can help you can perform more than 300 workouts targeting every muscle in your body including legs, butt, arms, chest, and more. You have access to (4) resistance bands you can adjust the level of resistance to be perfect for your average grandmother or a seasoned athlete.

Key Features:

  • This universal gym equipment can be used for 300+ exercises for full body.

  • Take it anywhere or use as in home gym home workout kit & squat workout machine Guided Videos Included: Following along our REX trainers on your resistance band platform.

  • Comes with 11 accessories including 4 resistance bands with bar.

  • Get the perfect workout for you with adjustable resistance for every level.


  1. Versatility and Full-Body Workouts: Portable home gyms like the REX system offer a wide range of exercises that target the whole body, making them ideal for users of all fitness levels looking to engage in strength training, cardio, and more​​​​.

  2. Convenience and Portability: The REX Portable Home Gym is designed to be easy to set up and store, allowing users to exercise anywhere, whether at home or on the go, without needing a dedicated gym space​​​​.

  3. Space Efficiency: These systems are compact and require minimal storage space, a significant advantage for those with limited living areas or who prefer a clutter-free environment​​​​.


  1. Limited Resistance Compared to Traditional Gym Equipment: While offering a range of resistance levels, portable home gyms may not provide the same level of resistance as heavy-duty gym machines or free weights, which could be a limitation for more advanced users looking for high-resistance training​​.

  2. Durability Concerns: The construction and materials of portable gyms vary, and some may not withstand the wear and tear of heavy or prolonged use, as well as traditional gym equipment​​.

  3. Learning Curve: New users may find it complicated to set up and use the equipment effectively without in-person guidance, although this can be mitigated through online tutorials and user manuals​​.

These insights help evaluate the REX Portable Home Gym Total Fitness System against your fitness goals and preferences.



Home exercise equipment allows you to perform many exercises for upper and lower body, butt, legs, arms, flexibility, endurance and agility. The pounds of resistance bands can go up to 300 lbs providing adequate weight resistance that will improve your endurance and strength.

Home exercise equipment also offers the low risk of injury when compared to how a serious injury could occur with free weights. You will also enjoy the protection of reducing your chances of getting the COVID-19 virus or other germs in the gym that are spread through sweat splattering on the gym fitness equipment. Home exercise with equipment like resistance band can work for you because of the isolation from germs when your exercising at home.

If you work every day and have the desire to continue your exercise routine at home instead of the gym the resistance band home workout equipment maybe the answer.


Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is for informational purposes only. The products shown are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to be a substitute or replacement for any medical treatment. Please seek the advice of a healthcare professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.

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